What is Microblading? Microblading is a semi permanent eyebrow enhancement, I use a plant-based cream pigment to match your natural brow colouring or maybe even your eyebrow pencil.
Micro Blading is perfect for those who want to fully reconstruct, cover gaps, or fill in over plucked Brows!
Does it hurt?
Yes, there will be some pain that you experience. It ranges depending on the person.
I use two different types of topical anaesthetic Zensa, which is a 5% cream lidocaine, which goes on before we start the eyebrow design, it stays on for anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes,
..secondly after the skin is broken I use a fast acting gel anesthetic, called Sustaine Blue Gel which contains 4% lidocaine and 2% tetracaine
This can be applied up to 3 to 5 times depending on skin type throughout the procedure,
I reapply for continued comfort, and by the second application most people say their pain is a 0-1/10 on their pain scale
Is there any downtime?
Most women can return to work after getting Micro Blading done on their lunch hour, all the before and after pictures on my social media are taken immediately after the procedure is complete.
However, everyone skin is different and some redness can occur. Someone who is very sensitive could possibly turn slightly red and puffy; this will diminish and return to normal within just a few hours
Want to know if you’re going to go red? …….
How does your skin react to brow waxing?
How long does the procedure take?
Your initial appointment will take two hours, while your touchup appointment will take somewhere in and around 1 to 1 1/2 hours
How long does it last?
After your initial appointment and your touchup 6 weeks later. Your new brows will last 1 to 3 years.
Some of the things that will make them last longer is taking care of them and following your aftercare.
Sun exposure, regular exfoliation, going in chlorinated pools, and even smoking will fade the brows more quickly
Also someone with a more mature skin type can expect to get closer to 2/3years, while younger skin types (with faster cell turnover) tend to need touchups more frequently.
I recommend annual colour boosts every 1 to 3 years to keep the brows looking vibrant and bright
How much does it cost $199 per session. Exclusive price for Allanti beauty institute
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